Wednesday, February 9, 2011

beerbooter part3


That was a cool time, Im glad everyone had fun!

The Beer:

Raspberry Stout
Bacon Stout
Chipotle Stout

The Food:

Smokes Pork & Brisket

They were all good, but that Rye IPA and Bacon stout on Nitrous was out of control -many many many thanks to the brewer....Bear Brewing!
Also to the Meat Smoker Matt, you can smoke some meat dude- hahaha honest, this dude spent twelve hours of his life cooking that scrumptious BBQ for us, thanks allot bro!

Another great thing is the contributors to the raffle. The Beer Booters is not a business nor are we trying to be promote anything outside of a good time with like minded people. All expenses come out of our pockets in order for this shit to happen. In return, we have raffles to support the cause and the generous contributors of raffle items make it all possible.
Please show your support to the companies and friends that support us!

Many Thanks to:

Ryan the host with the most and lovely wife Sara

The Creepy Creeps: Go buy their albums and support the local Music scene - punk rock horror surf music!

Bear Brewing

Falcon Motorcycles

Biltwell The Official Beer Booter Sponsor

7 Metal West


Beer Breed The official Beer Booter Sponsor

JPR Designs The Official Beer Booter Sponsor

Classic Cycles

Indo Cycles

Born Looser

Once again Thank you for sponsoring the awesomness of Stupidity!!!

If you would like to become an official sponsor of the beer booters please contact me at:

pics courtesy

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